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Seven Years Confined: How A Foia Litigation Is Shedding Light On The Case Of Julian Assange

Seven Years Confined: How A Foia Litigation Is Shedding Light On The Case Of Julian Assange
Julian Assange (ap)

Julian Assange is the only western publisher being arbitrarily detained in the heart of Europe without access to even an hour a day outdoors. Yet in the last seven years, no media has tried to access the full set of documents in his regard. Next Monday La Repubblica will appear before a London Tribunal to defend the right of the press to access these documents. Some of them have been already been deleted by the UK Authorities. Why?


The siege by Scotland Yard agents around the red brick building in Knightsbridge has been gone for two years now. And with Sweden dropping the rape investigation last May, even the European arrest warrant hanging over Julian Assange’s head like the sword of Damocles has gone. Many expected the founder of WikiLeaks to leave the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he has been confined for over five years, after spending one and a half years under house arrest. But Assange hasn’t dared leave the Embassy due to concern he would be arrested, extradited to the US and charged for publishing WikiLeaks’ secret documents.

Julian Assange’s situation is unique. Like him and his work or not, he is the only western publisher confined to a tiny embassy,  without access to even the one hour a day outdoors maximum security prisoners usually receive. He is being arbitrarily detained, according to a decision by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions in February 2016, a decision which has completely faded into oblivion. December 7th will mark seven years since he lost his freedom, yet as far as we know, in the course of these last 7 years no media has tried to access the full file on Julian Assange.

That is why next Monday, La Repubblica will appear before a London Tribunal to defend the press’ right to access the documents regarding his case, after spending the last two years attempting Freedom of Information requests (FOI) without success.

It is entirely possible, however, that we will never be able to access many of these documents, as last week London authorities informed us that “all the data associated with Paul Close’s account was deleted when he retired and cannot be recovered”. A questionable choice indeed: Close is the lawyer who supported the Swedish prosecutors in the Swedish investigation on Julian Assange from the beginning. What was the rationale for deleting historical records pertaining to a controversial and still ongoing case?

documentos completos aqui.


Captura de Tela 2017-11-11 às 08.15.50




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